Interesting, and we look forward to hearing further!
the modern history is full of deep, dark tragedies.
and, my intention, as i sat down to write of those tragedies for a fb page i look after for a macquarie university student society, was to tell the story of these very dark contemporary events.
but east asia history is complex and i think its helpful to try to have an overview of that history to understand what has happened in the recent past.
Interesting, and we look forward to hearing further!
i have seen a few comments about this week's meeting.. was there actually a part that specified an actual per-publisher amount that should be donated regularly?.
can this be confirmed please?.
i truly cant believe just how brazen the society seems to be getting - and how desperate they are!.
So this lot have progressed from saying "our church don't do that sort of thing" to taking the stance "Christendom does it, so it is all-right for us too."
Bloody Hell! I obviously haven't missed out on much in the 23 years since I broke with them.
i have seen a few comments about this week's meeting.. was there actually a part that specified an actual per-publisher amount that should be donated regularly?.
can this be confirmed please?.
i truly cant believe just how brazen the society seems to be getting - and how desperate they are!.
And how they once used to lambast the "Churches of Christendom" for doing exactly the same thing!
due to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
A brother whom I once regarded as a close friend turned out to have been molesting one of his stepdaughters from age 7 to age 12.
This only came to light some twenty-odd years later, when he was taken to court, convicted and sentenced to six years in prison. (By then I had broken with the JWs, and learned about this from a newspaper report).
The scariest thing for me was that while we were close friends, my two daughters were still only children. At least he never got his filthy paws on them !
for those of you that can remember.... did you really believe that armageddon was going to come in 1975?
i was a child of the 60s, in my teens in the 70s and can honestly say that i never bought into it.
i saw brothers and sisters selling their homes and moving into rented property.
I will say this - during the years leading up to 1975, I never heard anybody actually express any doubts about that date. Not one!
If they weren't actually preaching 1975, then they certainly weren't expressing doubts about it either. Certainly none that I heard, anyway. If such persons were in the majority, then it must have been a silent majority (Make that a bloody silent majority!)
so i am reading from many that they have an excellent thought-stopper for jw's.
(remember reasoning from the scriptures used "thought-stoppers?
)"if you just show them [this scripture or use this logic or expose this problem with the organization], you will shut them down.".
In this and in other matters, it can be all too easy to forget that human beings are not always rational - perhaps seldom ever rational. Hardly surprising then that appeals to the emotions are more likely to be effective!
i just wonder what universities they would have gone to?
if possible, former members and current ones separately.... .
Former GB
- Bachelor Degree & Master Degree
- Lloyd Barry - Unknown College in New Zealand
Lloyd Barry was a graduate of the University of Otago, in Dunedin.
i just completed writing a series of 8 blog posts dismantling the watchtower's blood policies.. it was my goal to prove that the blood ban is neither scriptural nor sensible.
this is a rewrite of the series of articles i contributed some years ago to the now defunct jehovahswitnessblog site of james peyton (you may also know james as the founder of jwpodcast.
) even though this is a very serious topic, i tried to stay true to the humorous mood "tenny pajamas" always managed to maintain on his site.
in 1924, judge rutherford published an article which referred to the great pyramid as "the scientific bible" and added that measurements on the grand gallery inside the great pyramid confirmed the dates 1874, 1914 and 1925.. 1925 was the famous blowout date for the return of "ancient worthies" about which the judge said, "i made an ass of myself.".
just four years later, rutherford did one of his famous about-face reversals.. whereas previously the watchtower had taught that the great pyramid was probably built by melchizedek, or shem;*.
rutherford now said the great pyramid was constructed "under the direction of satan the devil.
Hard now to credit that "Pyramidology" was once considered a science. (Not for long, though!)
if watchtower has no reason to df ones.
they have just become inactive.
do you all think wt will begin a witch hunt (df'ing) for these inactive ones?
It has happened before.
For a number of years during the mid-1980s, they did mount a concerted campaign to contact both those who had become "Inactive" and also those who had even "Studied" with the JWs. These efforts did appear to pay off, if the statistics in the yearbook are to be believed - i.e. during that time, the increase per year of "publishers" actually exceeded the number of those baptised.